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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Installing Netbeans 7.1.2 on Your Linux Mint

Linux Mint 12 supports one of my favorite IDE's, Netbeans. Netbeans has a huge fan following and it can be installed very easily in LM.

All you have to is download the version you want from their official download page.

After you have the .sh file downloaded, open up a Terminal and :

1. type: su
2. enter your password
3. browse to the directory where you downloaded Netbeans
4. type: chmod +x
5. type: ./
6. Now the GUI will open. You just have to follow the instructions!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Getting CDMA datacards to work in Ubuntu 12.04

I was just trying out the new Ubuntu 12.04 and surprisingly, after a full update via the update center, the system just wouldn't enable my CDMA modem. However, the GSM modems were working fine. After a lot of searching in the vast resources of the internet I found the solution. It's a simple 2 line execution in the Terminal.

sudo rmmod -f iwlagn
sudo modprobe iwlagn 11n_disable=1

Apparently, there is some problem in the system and it's not recognizing the n channels of the CDMA network, thus causing the problem.  So try this if you ever get the same problem. Hopefully it will help.


Install Python 3 on Linux Mint

First of all, I don't see a point to show you how to install Python on Windows. It's dead easy download the installer from and in few clicks you will have python up and running. Installing Python on Linux is bit different and requires some pre-work to be done.

So Let's get started.

Note: Every Modern Linux had a python Installed. You can verify this by opening your Terminal and typing python. It will open the python shell for you. Do not remove the installed version.
Step 1: Pre-requisites for Ubuntu

To be able to compile Python Source, you will need few packages. Fire up the terminal and execute this command
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncursesw5-dev libreadline5-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
It will take some time to finish depending upon your bandwidth. :)

Step 2: Downloading Python Sources and extracting them on your disk

Download a tarball from the python site here is a direct link. Once, the download is completed you can extract the files by doing a right-click on the file and then clicking the extract option
Fire up the terminal and execute this command which will download the file first and extract it on the disk.
wget && tar -xvf Python-3.2rc2.tgz
Step 3: Installing Python 3.2

Fire up a new Terminal and execute the following commands individually.

1.   ./configure
2.   make
3.  sudo make altinstall