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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Develop applications for Linux Mint

Linux Mint community is always looking for softwares and applications that'll ease the lives of the end users and also show Gates where to put his feet. Open source development is the very best a person can do towards humanity.

Now Linux Mint can run applications written in Java, C++, other C derivatives and Python and a plethora of other languages. However among all the languages, Python is the most powerful. Java is also powerful but it leads to bloated usage of resources. So the language of choice, according to me is Python and its also been vouched by many people to be very easy to learn. So why not learn some Python and start contributing to humanity in your own way?

For absolute beginners I would recommend Dive into Python 3 by Mark Pilgrim which you can download for free as its freely licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.

Another Book that I really liked was Learning Python, 4th edition.

Both the books that I mentioned above are very good books if you are novices in programming. Get them and start learning. I am also gonna start learning some Python and will get back here with the results!

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