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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Linux Mint 13, Maya

Linux Mint 13, code named Maya has been announced to be released by end of May 2012. I have been waiting for a long time for the next release of Mint and it seems the wait is almost at an end. Its been almost 6 months since I started using Mint and I have never looked back towards either Windows or Ubuntu which were my previous OS being used.

On their official blog, Clem said that "The choice for this codename has nothing to do with the Mayan Calendar or the notorious cataclysmic interpretations for 2012 (by then we’ll be looking at Linux Mint 14 and a different codename)."

Infact, Clem said that the code name Maya was selected after her daughter's name.

So all the Linux Mint fans out there, hold your breath till the end of May and I am sure we will all be surprised with the new release.

It is said that there will be separate releases for MATE and Cinnamon. So there's the end of MATE and welcome to Cinnamon, which according to me is going to become the default in Linux Mint 13.

Let's wait and watch. If you want to read about the latest LMDE release click on the Link below:
Linux Mint Debian LMDE 201204


  1. I should read the Mint blog to see what has been changed. I've heard rumours that Mate and/or cinnamon would be baked into the new version, but nothing about confirmation.

    1. Its on their official blog. They are incorporating Cinnamon.. But still the default DE hasn't been decided..
